Swapping Perks and Perk Books

This is confusing if you read the explanations in the game so here is what really happens as far as I know. If you know better post a comments and I will update

1. Get a new Perk

You can use a perk book to exchange 1 existing Perk for a new random one. You do not get to chose what the new one is and it may not be an improvement.If you do decide to exchange then you will keep the level you have bought so you do not lose your contributions

If you decide to stay as you are then you can but you have used your perk book anyway

2. Swapping Perks between heroes

You can swap ALL the perks on one hero for all the perks on another but you can't just swap one

3. My view

If you have money or gems to burn then you could keep swapping perks on say RAMBO until all 4 were army improvements. This would give you a very powerful army hero but you might need dozens of Perks to get there. I think your time and money is better spent on other ways to improve your attack power


  1. I scored 10 perk books for 6k gems at the lucky discount store (twice). That seems to be the best way and I think the perks are good enough to spend diamonds on!


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